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2-stroke engines

RVS TECHNOLOGY® for 2-stroke petrol engines

Easily increase the economy, durability and environmental friendliness of your vehicle. RVS TECHNOLOGY® is proven to protect surfaces and equipment from wear. By reducing friction, the amount of energy wasted is reduced. This leads to lower emissions and more efficient engine operation. The engine becomes long-lasting and economically efficient.

The treatment is easy to do yourself:

1. RVS Technology® 2-Stroke Engine Treatment is recommended to start with an almost empty fuel tank.

2. Shake thoroughly (20-30 sec) until the mixture is homogeneous. No residue should remain at the bottom of the bottle. The bottle contains 90 ml of a mixture of synthetic 2-stroke oil and RVS Technology®.

3. 2-stroke engines are treated by adding the contents of the bottle either to the petrol or to the fresh lubrication system

– 1 bottle of RVS Technology® 2-Stroke Engine Treatment 125cc to 10 litres of petrol.

– 1 bottle of RVS Technology® 2-Stroke Engine Treatment 500cc to 15 litres of petrol.

4. Pour the prepared mixture into a fuel tank, or preferably into a nearly empty fresh lubrication tank.

5. Run the engine as it is normally intended for use, without interruption, for 1-2 hours – initially at lower revs without overloading the engine.


Osa 1

Osa 2

Osa 3


  • 90 ml:n bottle
  • Multilanguage user manual